Saturday, December 31, 2011
December Sketch Challenge
I did this LO for the December Sketch Challenge for Scrappin'-n-Chattin'. The paper is Recollections Bright & Jolly as well as the banner. The journaling states that "The cactus is called a Christmas cactus, because it only blooms at Christmas time! The tree & manger scene stand was given to us from friends in SC. They are both hand made & painted with love!" I hope you all have a Happy 2012!!!
Friday, December 30, 2011
Leftover Letters LO
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Leftover Letters Challenge. It's my last LO for their challenges for the year. I might do the sketch challenge, but that's it until next year. The paper is Recollections Merry Christmas, the "Unwrap the magic" gift is Me & My Big Ideas Soft Spoken Embellishments, the paper clip dimensional stickers are Recollections, and the journaling strip is K&Company. The letters are the first initials of everyone in my immediate family except the "X" and "Z". Dustin, Amanda (me), Emily, Scott, Mama, Bowles (my stepdad's last name), Ray, Haylee, Joe (my dad), Tammy, Tyler, and Rhodes. The journaling states that "in the pics (clockwise): Emily is showing she likes her new monkey socks, Dustin is playing w/ 55 w/ his finger light, he's holding 55 w/ a bow on him, & Mama likes her reindeer socks. Christmas 2011." All the gifts except the picture of 55 with eyes glowing I gave them. Yes, we were given a new printer from Dustin for Christmas. I haven't used it yet, but will with my scrapbooking! It's a Deskjet printer/scanner with wireless capabilities. We have a few laptops around the house. I may do a LO tomorrow or Saturday night, so be looking back on here before the New Year! Have a Happy New Year!! :)
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Top Ten LOs of 2011
I saw this on a friend's blog & thought I would do the same. Thanks, Pamela! :) TFL! I'll post another LO tomorrow or sometime before the New Year!
Monday, December 26, 2011
Christmas at Grandma's
I made this 2 pg LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Scene Challenge for December. All the pics were taken December 18 at my Grandmama's house when we had our Christmas get together. The Christmas tree I hand drew and then cut in half from Basic Grey Boxer/Hipster collection; the buttons are Martha Stewart Crafts; the ornaments, birds, & snowflakes are Studio G Cardstock stickers; the picture mats are K& Company Elizabeth Brownd Designer Mat Pad except for the gifts and the cupcakes- the gifts are Creative Memories and the cupcakes are from Christmas paper for a swap; the ribbon on the corners is Recollections; and the words "Christmas" & "Peace joy and Love" are Creative Memories. The picture in the middle on the 2nd page was meant to be just my grandmama opening her present from me- Scrabble PJ bottoms- she used to love playing Scrabble- & a red top is in the box- but I didn't want to tell my Great Uncle Thurston (my dead grandfather's brother) and Mr Raffael (her husband) to move. My Uncle Thurston hasn't been around to visit much since my grandfather died in 2004, so it's always good to see him! He has a prosthesis on his right leg from his knee down and showed us how he can twist it backwards! LOL! His wife, Yvonne, was sitting in front of the tree, but I didn't get a picture of her either. The bottom left pic on the same page is of my cousin Leia and her boyfriend Tim, this was his first Christmas with us. He also has a son, Seth, but I didn't get a picture of him. The middle picture on the first page is of my new cousin, James, opening his present with his mom's & his Papa"s help! He's just 12 weeks old, and will be 3 months Dec 30. His shirt has "All mommy asks for Christmas is a silent night" on it! He's a content baby, spits up a lot, and likes to be held just like he is where he can see what's going on! His hair is so fine and sticks up in the back, but he's soo cute!! :) I didn't take that many Christmas day, but will get to scrappin them soon! I hope everyone is recovering well from Christmas! :)
Friday, December 23, 2011
Dec MLC & D is for Disney Paper Dolls
I made this LO using the above sketch for Scrappin-n-Chattin. My grandmother gave me this pic for Christmas. It's the only pic I didn't get with my camera the day of the wedding, so I was excited when I saw this pic! The journaling states that "This is the first picture of both families together just before the wedding of Mr Raffael and Helen (my grandmama)." The main background paper is Recollections Floral Patchwork. I thought it fit with this picture symbolizing the 2 families joining as one. The picture is actually all the grandkids and great-grandkids from both sides, but it's still 2 families! The red fabric strips are from a blog candy I won sometime last year. The "summer" brad is from the bottle swap I was in, the floral brads are some I bought from either Walmart or Target as a set with other embellies, the journaling tag is a set I bought years ago as well as the paper mat behind the picture.
I made this LO for the "D is for" challenge with Scrappin-n-Chattin. The journaling states that "Mama gave Kylee Disney Princesses Sparkling Paper Dolls for Christmas. Aino, her Nini, is helping her with them." The paper is Recollections Fairy Tale My Prince. There's a frog under the journaling block, but I covered him up since my niece is just 4 and nowhere near interested in boys like that yet! The stickers are Sandy Lion Disney Princess, the ribbon is Recollections from Michaels- I thought it would fit well with this LO, & the journaling block is from Storytellers Club Pear-Adise. I decided to use sparkly letters for the word "Paper" since Kylee's dolls are sparkly. I don't know if you can see the John Deere tractor, well just the trailer and the little trucks, but her brother is just 1 yr 10 mos older so they play together well. She was using the tractor to pull her dolls in! LOL! Her shirt has "Drama Queen" on it, too, so this paper and ribbon really fits with the paper! She's just starting to talk and cut-up, too. I'm going to try to attempt a 2 pg LO tonight, so be looking back on her tomorrow or maybe after Christmas for a pic of it! I hope you all have a Merry Christmas!!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
My Favorite Holiday
I made this LO for 2 challenges: "Word/quote Challenge" at & Sparkle Challenge at Scrappin-n-Chattin. The picture is as the journaling states under it, "Bowles Christmas tree 2010." The main page is from Recollections 180 pg Christmas pad, the paper under the title and at the top half of the LO is Imaginisce Gingerbread Village. The glitter and bling was given to me in 2 different swaps. I cut out "the most wonderful time of the year" block from the same Recollections pad. The chipboard letters are Ellen Krans that I bought from TJ Maxx, I'm not sure where I got the Christmas stickers, and I bought the star journaling block with some other tags. "All I want for Chirstmas" is from Creative Memories & "my favorite" is from Basic Occasions Punch Out Pack. TFL!
Sunday, December 4, 2011
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Zig Zag Challenge for December. The zig zag paper is from Basic Grey Oliver collection. The background paper is from K&Company as is the green star frame. The Bowling stickers- the title "Bowling", bowling pins & ball are Jolee's. The "A Day to Remember" Chipboard is Basic Grey/Life of the Party. The white frame with blue star frame was cut from an 8.5"x11" sheet that I received as a RAK from Ashley & the ribbon on the chipboard is also from a RAK from another friend. This LO would have been good for a faceless LO challenge! I can't tell you what kind of score we each had on each frame! I'm pretty sure mine was a gutterball or maybe a few pins down, but definitely not a strike! I'm not that good at bowling, but am at scrapbooking or try to be! ;) I don't use frames that often and decided to on this LO. I decided to mat my sister's pic instead of putting a frame around it since I used the zig zag paper under hers. I still have half of the zig zag sheet and want to use the opposite side when I use it! I love double sided paper for that reason! You can't find it very often either. Basic Grey is about the only paper I have found that is double sided.
I'm going to a work Christmas party soon and am looking forward to some good food and some fun! We're meeting at Carolina Grille & our meal is going to be paid for by TJ Maxx! I've already heard that we're gonna have cake & cookies made by a fellow associate and our own entertainment by another associate with a ukulele! It sounds like fun!! I hope you all have a good week! TFL!
I'm going to a work Christmas party soon and am looking forward to some good food and some fun! We're meeting at Carolina Grille & our meal is going to be paid for by TJ Maxx! I've already heard that we're gonna have cake & cookies made by a fellow associate and our own entertainment by another associate with a ukulele! It sounds like fun!! I hope you all have a good week! TFL!
Thursday, November 24, 2011
Fun At The Bowling Alley
Happy Thanksgiving!! I did this LO based on the above sketch last night for Scrappin-n-Chattin while watching The Biggest Loser: Where Are They Now. I chose The Storytellers Club/Pearadise Collection because I was tired when I started this LO and loopy pears sounds like spare in bowling! I haven't used this collection yet either and there is polka dots in the pears to go along with the "round" theme. As you can tell I didn't stick to the sketch entirely. The journaling states that "Emily, Scott, & I went bowling July 2010. As you can tell by my score, 18, I'm not good at bowling!" I did have fun taking pictures and as the sticker states over the pic of me "Have A Ball"! The paper under the title is from Recollections Monkeying Around Collection. I have more pics from this same day and more bowling stickers, so be looking for another bowling LO soon! I need to get to bed soon since I have to work tomorrow. I'll be in the back room so I won't be around the "madness" the entire time I'm at work!
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sunday VBS Memories
I made this LO for the Day Challenge at Scrappin'-n'-Chattin'. Yes, this is my 2nd day LO, but technically my first didn't qualify. I read it wrong. I was supposed to use "today", "tomorrow", "yesterday", or a day of the week. This LO is of last year's VBS Closing Sunday program. The journaling states that "Mr. Ray, Cathy Ipock, Gabrielle & Laurel Revette, Trisha Gable, Matt Edwards, & Matt Smith (were) getting thrown water balloons at. Grant Gable is in the wheelchair on the sidelines." I should have written the word "were" in their, but didn't. I made this LO last night and it was late when I finished it! The kids were told whoever brought the most money would get to throw water balloons at their crew leaders on Sunday! The kids loved it as well as the adults! :) This paper is actually from a birthday kit, but I wanted to use it since you can't really see the water balloons! I had to overlap the pics to get them all to fit on the page. I have more pics and may scrap them later this week or sometime. I have a busy work week ahead of me. I'm off tomorrow and Thursday (that's a given since the store is closed) and work the rest. I'm in the back room on Black Friday and most of the week! Have a good weekend and a good Thanksgiving if I don't get to scrap/blog before then!
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Sportscraft Washer Toss
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Color Challenge and The Paper Variety's ( Challenge of the week. The Color Challenge with Scrappin-n-Chattin was to use red, gold/yellow, & brown in the LO. I used Recollections Garage Sale Vintage Stripes with red, yellow, and brown in the stripes and added some of the same colors in the photo mats. The pics are of my stepbrother, sister, mom, and stepdad playing Sportscraft Washer Toss. I entitled the LO "Family fun!" for the challenge with The Paper Variety. The journaling tells what they are playing and that it is a different version of horseshoes. The stickers and journaling half circle are Me & My Big Ideas Soft Spoken Bloom-Family, the word "fun!" is from Best Occasions Mixed Media Pack, the bottom 2 picture mats are from Basic Grey Life of the Party 6x6 pad, and the top picture mat is from some blog candy I won. Another simple LO! I have more pics of this same game to scrap later. I have it preplanned and will scrap it sometime this week.
I was gonna watch football when I got home from church this afternoon, but my grandmama & her husband, Mr Raffael came to visit and brought us some pecans! It was a surprise visit, but a good one! I hadn't shown her the LOs I made of her wedding, so I showed them to both of them while they were here! I'm following scores for the UNC/UNC-A game and football online. The race is being watched in the living room. I hope UNC wins, which it looks like they are! I'm not sure about the race winner. Good luck in NFL tonight!!
I was gonna watch football when I got home from church this afternoon, but my grandmama & her husband, Mr Raffael came to visit and brought us some pecans! It was a surprise visit, but a good one! I hadn't shown her the LOs I made of her wedding, so I showed them to both of them while they were here! I'm following scores for the UNC/UNC-A game and football online. The race is being watched in the living room. I hope UNC wins, which it looks like they are! I'm not sure about the race winner. Good luck in NFL tonight!!
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
A Day To Remember
I did this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's "Day" Challenge. We were to include the word "Day", "Yesterday", "Tomorrow" or any day of the week in our title. I chose Day, because I'm not sure if these pics were taken July 4th or the weekend of. I hid the journal under the top pic on the right. I decided to put a few pics on the paper under where the pic hides the paper as well as shown in the middle pic- "Capture the Action", "happiness", and a patriotic sticker of the Statue of Liberty. The journaling states that "Emily, Scott, and Grandmama came to celebrate July 4, 2008 with us. This was the first time Emily had held 55. He was a kitten at the time. (You can't really see him in the pic, but that's what she's holding.) A lost and sick looking goose landed in our yard. Mama was feeding him some bread crumbs. I decided to take a quick photo before we all ate lunch." The paper is Story Teller's Club Chillin', the title letters are Basic Grey Oliver, the middle border and journaling tag are also Story Teller's Club Chillin', and the photo mats and stars are Basic Grey Pyrus/Life Of The Party. The star under the "E" in "Remember' is Basic Grey Oliver, the patriotic stickers were given to me in a RAK, the happiness sticker is Sticko Family, "Capture the Action" sticker is Making Memories Word Fetti. I hid brads under the stars I punched from Basic Grey Life of the Party. TFL!
Friday, November 4, 2011
A LO All About Me
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Me LO Challenge for November. I apologize for the picture quality, but it's off my cell phone and my camera pic was darker. The paper is K&Company Jubilee Bright Flowers. The title "Smile" is from Studio G Chipboard Stickers. The butterfly and flower are brads from K&Company (they were a set for only a $1.00 at Wal-Mart). The "My Life" tag is from Best Occasions Punch Out Pack & the purple bobbin ribbon is from a bottle swap I was in. The picture backgrounds are from Inspirations 8x8 Reversible Papers, they were 2 sheets and I reversed each sheet for each pic! The journaling states clockwise in order of pics: "Me in Strike Zone August 2010", "My Birthday Outfit June 27, 2009", "Me on Thanksgiving Day November 26, 2009", & "Me in the Hermit Crab at Pine Knoll Shores, NC Aquarium July 2010". I don't like making LOs of myself, because I'm my worst critic. I would have to say these are some of my favorite pics of myself. I printed out a bunch of pics at Target this afternoon so be looking for more LOs to come! I hope you all have a good weekend!
Monday, October 31, 2011
It's The Small Stuff That Matters
I made this LO for the Woodgrain Challenge in Scrappin-n-Chattin. It's my last LO for October. Yes, it's more pictures of Special Needs Baseball. I entitled it "It's The Small Stuff That Matters", because of each picture someone is helping a special needs kid and just being there is all that matters to them! The paper is Colorbok Textures Collection. The picture backgrounds are Basic Grey Life of the Party and the journaling blocks was one block that I cut into 3 pieces from Basic Grey Pyrus, both 6x6 booklets. The baseball sticker & Go Team sticker are from the Mambi Collection I used last week, the title is a part of the Textures Collection, and the stars/hearts are from a RAK I received from a friend in SnC. I was bored last night and decided to scrap! This pic is taken is with my cell phone believe it or not! I couldn't get the scanner to cooperate with me from the camera I use. I hope everyone had a great Halloween and didn't eat too much candy!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
24 Hr Challenge
I made this LO for the 24 Hr Challenge for Scrappin-n-Chattin using the above sketch. The pics are more pics of Special Needs Baseball June 6, 2009. The paper is Colorbok Spring Morning, both the main PP and the picture background PP. The baseball stickers are Jolie's, the journaling block is Basic Grey Pyrus, the stars are Recollections (from Michaels), and the ribbon and Imagine are from a bottle swap I participated in. I ran out of my Xyron Create a Sticker adhesive on the ribbon, so I decided to hold it down with the stars. I bought Repositionable refill today! I love my Xyron Create a Sticker! I won it in from someone's blog hop last year. The journaling states that "Special needs kids play baseball just like everyone else. Broad Creek Christian Church helps out every year. These pics were taken June 6, 2009. Some BC members in left pic are: Michelle Gibson, Don Arthur, Mollie Ritter, Ray Bowles and my mom- Laurie Bowles. She's (Mama)also in the right pic." The challenge will be over at 6pm. The challenge was to choose 3 different collections tht you might want to use and someone else picks the sketch and your collection and vice versa. Have a great Halloween! :)
Friday, October 28, 2011
My Take on Sketch for Scrapbook Challenges
I did this LO last night using the above sketch for Scrapbook Challenges. The journaling states that "Vicki Gable helps out with Special Needs Baseball, which involves special needs kids playing baseball. They play to have fun and are winners no matter what! She is talking to her children, Trisha and Gil. Her son, Chris, who is autistic, is off to the right side. Sarah (Vicki's niece who is also autistic) is walking towards the bottom of the pic." The green PP (Patterned Paper), red striped strip, white/wording background for the pic & stickers are Mambi Baseball Collection (Me And My Big Ideas) and the star paper background for the journaling is DCWV All About Boys 8x8 stack. I'm about to scrap another LO and participate in a 24 Hr Challenge with Scrappin-n-Chattin. I'll post that LO tomorrow with the sketch I have to follow!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
My Take on a Sketch for Scrapbook Challenges
I made this LO using the above sketch for Scrapbook Challenges. It's Sketch 269. The pictures are of my grandmama & Mr. Raffael's car decorated for their wedding. There wasn't any room for the journaling after I put everything on the LO, so I wrote it around the edges. It's so small you probably can't read it. It states that "The James grandchildren (well some of us) decorated Grandmama & Mr Raffael's car before & after their wedding. I found out that they came back home to get their GPS & all of this had been washed off before going on their honeymoon. We had fun is the main thing!" The purple/pink paper is My Mind's Eye Bohemia and the striped paper is Heidi Grace Designs. The green brad is from a bottle swap I was in and the hearts tag is from something else. I have been wanting to scrap these pictures and decided to use this sketch with these pictures. Have a great weekend! :)
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
2 in 1 LO
I made this LO for 2 Challenges with Scrappin-n-Chattin using the sketch above. The 1st challenge is a sketch challenge and then I also used it for my 2nd Happiness Is LO. I entitled it "Happiness is GPS!" because that's the name of the kids' play that the pics are of. GPS is short for God's Plan of Salvation. I don't know all the kids name's that are in both pics. I decided to add the chipboard bus in the middle to make up for the 3rd pic in the sketch. The kids are on a red bus is another reason, too! The chipboard bus is Maya Road and is from a bottle swap I was in. The pictures are matted to Basic Grey Life Of the Party 6x6 sheets (I actually cut them some so they would fit better on the pg). The paper is from Studio G Collection, The Happiness Is stickers are from Colorbok Textures Collection, and the blue dots/bling was given to me in a bottle swap. The journaling tag and ribbon was also given to me in another swap. The GPS letters are from Basic Grey Oliver Collection. The journaling states what GPS means: "God's Plan of Salvation May 15, 2010 Directed by: Debbie Haagen". She is a follower of mine and attends my church. Her blog is Note-able Scraps (
I started working in the backroom today at TJ Maxx. They hired 10 people and had to switch some of us current employees around. I enjoyed helping with the truck and time flew by! I just have to get used to the heat meaning no air circulating. I saw some scrapbooking stamps that I unpacked from the truck along with a lot of other goodies! Have a good weekend & TFL!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Colors LO
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Colors Challenge. We were to use Halloween colors (orange, green, purple, and black) on a LO and it didn't have to be anything about Halloween. I don't remember scrapping this pic of Emily, my sister, and I. Our dad and stepmom sent us money for our birthdays last year and we bought these dresses from TJ Maxx and Ross (Emily's from TJ Maxx and mine from Ross). That was the first time I have bought anything from Ross and want to go back sometime! The paper is Studio G that I bought at Walmart for $0.97- a 12 x12 pack of 7 sheets! The American Crafts Thickers (black stickers) and ATD Momenta birthday stickers/frame/journaling square I bought from TJ Maxx. The Momenta stickers are a part of 145 pc Simply Perfect Birthday Page Kit. The title is Birthday Present if you can't read it because of the glare. The journaling tells what I have already told you about the money and where we bought our dresses. I tried taking a pic of the LO without a light on in the room and the glare was worse! TFL!
Thursday, October 6, 2011
My 1st 2 pg LO in awhile
I did this 2 pg LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's October "Happiness is..." Challenge. The title of my LO is "Happiness Is Quality Time with Family". The paper I used is from Colorbok Spring Morning Collection. I bought both sets of alpha stickers from Walmart & Target. The Quality Time,family/floral stickers, and tag I bought from Michaels. The ribbon was given to me in a swap. I decided to take a pic of both pages together and then each page separately so you could see them better. TFL!
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Color Challenge at Scrapbook Challenges
I did this LO for Scrapbook Challenges ( Color Challenge. The challenge was to use red, yellow, and green in a LO. I realize some of you might not be members and be able to see the challenge. The paper I used is Recollections Monkeying Around Funky Disco Spin. My dad calls us, his children, monkeys. We were all having fun with Tyler's pirate hat is another reason I used this paper. That's why I entitled it "Argh!" The little journaling tag states that "We had just been taking pics saying, 'Argh' like a pirate. Tyler liked it so much that he's still doing it in this pic!" In the pic above I wrote that "Daddy was closing his eye since we didn't have a patch." I also wrote over each person's head who they were- me, Tyler, Emily, and my dad. I put the date- Sept 5, 2011- as well. I decided to add the bling, "family memories" sticker, and bobbin ribbon as the finishing touches. I made this LO last night before going to bed so I did it quickly! The mattes for the pictures are also Recollections Butterfly Wings. I love buying my scrapbooking supplies from Michael's! :) I'll have to get some more pics to develop soon to scrap some more. I hope you all have a great weekend!! TFL!
Sunday, September 25, 2011
Labor Day LO
I made this LO for Lasting Memories Challenge #56 (, but missed the deadline. I decided to post it on my blog anyway. I watched the movie The Grace Card while making this LO and didn't read the deadline time until after I watched the movie. The paper, borders, and journaling box is Story Tellers Club Dream On Collection. The journaling box states that "Daddy, Tammy, & Tyler came to visit Labor Day weekend. We went to the beach that morning, but I didn't get any pictures. We were all having too much fun for pictures!" It was also cool and we weren't at the beach that long. The border on the right in the little box I wrote "9-5-11 Labor Day". I just wish I would have read the deadline time before I did this LO, but I still had fun making it! The Grace Card is a good movie, too! It's a Christian movie and is in Red box! I have 2 more pics of the same night to scrap and will try to scrap them this week. I didn't want to crowd them all on the same page. TFL!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Sturdy Beggar
I did this LO for The Paper Variety's ( Sticker Challenge. Even the journaling is a sticker! I put it through my Xyron Create A Sticker! The journaling states that "Sturdy Beggar is a little 'boat' behind the History Center (the new building built as part of Tryon Palace) for children to play on. It's more like the frame of a boat. Tyler's pirate hat was bought from a little shop in Beaufort, NC. We told him about the boat before we left home and he decided to wear his pirate hat!" The paper I used was actually a part of a Momenta Birthday kit! The colorful circles kinda looks like the wheel of the ship! I didn't have any 12x12 pirate paper and the 8x8 pirate paper I have wouldn't look right on a 12x12 sheet! I have a few more pics of Tyler to scrap and plan on doing so Thursday. Please check back here on my blog to see the LO! TFL! :)
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Another Wedding LO
I started this LO Friday morning since I didn't have to be to work until 1. I sat at the computer most of the morning and got bored so I thought I would scrap some! I had most of the journaling done and didn't remember all the names so I asked my mom this morning and she knew the names of the ones I didn't! This will be the first one in the scrapbook of the wedding LOs. I titled it "Family Fotos" for the Punny LO Challenge with Scrappin-n-Chattin, but it may not qualify as punny (play on words). If not, I'll look through my pics and try to make another punny LO before Aug 31. The journaling under each pic tells who is in each pic. The PP is Basic Grey Green At Heart Veggies. It's double sided and the other side is plain purple. I decided to use this side because most of the pics are taken outside and the pink flowers draw out the pink in the pics! The 3 stickers are more of the EK Success Sticko Wedding Stickers- Wedding Day, Our Guests, and Bride & Groom. I hate that I didn't get a pic of everybody together and the grandchildren pic. I will definitely have to get some the next time we're all together! My Great Uncle Zane Grey was the only sibling of my grandmother to attend with his daughter, Sarah, both are in the first pic on the middle row on the left. I decided to use Kunstler Script Font for my grandmother's name & her husband, Mr. Raffael Farrow and the date because they didn't have wedding invitations and it was a wedding! I decided to use one of my heart stencils for the bride & groom's pic.
I had a good day off! I almost don't want it to end! LOL! I slept in until 10, watched the last half of The Karate Kid, and then went shopping. I went to Walmart and bought some more double sided tape, 2 for the price of 1! I bought a new watch from JC Penney, my old one was turning (tarnished) and left a green ring on my arm. I also rented Soul Surfer from Red Box. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you ought to! It's a Christian Family movie. Anna Sophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, and Carrie Underwood are part of the cast. It is a true story and a tear jerker. I won't say anything else about it, because I don't want to spoil the movie! I have one more wedding LO to scrap so be looking for it some time this week! Have a good weekend! TFL!
I had a good day off! I almost don't want it to end! LOL! I slept in until 10, watched the last half of The Karate Kid, and then went shopping. I went to Walmart and bought some more double sided tape, 2 for the price of 1! I bought a new watch from JC Penney, my old one was turning (tarnished) and left a green ring on my arm. I also rented Soul Surfer from Red Box. If you haven't seen this movie yet, you ought to! It's a Christian Family movie. Anna Sophia Robb, Dennis Quaid, Helen Hunt, and Carrie Underwood are part of the cast. It is a true story and a tear jerker. I won't say anything else about it, because I don't want to spoil the movie! I have one more wedding LO to scrap so be looking for it some time this week! Have a good weekend! TFL!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Reception LO Of My Grandmama's Wedding
I've been wanting to scrap these pictures and I've finally gotten the chance! I know I'm making the LOs out of order, but this will probably be the easiest out of all of them. I just realized I didn't put the date on the LO. I'll put it on one of the other LOs. The paper is Deja Views Sweet Romance Grey Hugs & Kisses (the other side is Grey Damask). The 2 stickers are EK Success Sticko Wedding stickers. I didn't want to add a lot of embellishments because the pictures took up a lot of room and the paper is busy enough! I didn't put any journaling under the pic of the food table in the middle, because it's pretty much self-explanatory! The plates, napkins, and punch cups (you can't really see the cups) were bought from Party Suppliers! I used my Xyron Create A Sticker to adhere the journaling strips to the LO. I may do some scrappin this afternoon, I haven't decided yet. Have a great Thursday! TFL!
Friday, August 12, 2011
Papercut LO
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Papercut Challenge. We were to cut out pieces from a patterned paper (PP) and use them as the embellishments. I included a part of the PP as a border because I like the ribbon on the paper. I cut the stars, yellow music note, and the 2 pieces out of the PP. The PP was originally an 8.5x11 sheet. I still have a lot of it left for the rest of the pics from the band concert. Haylee is my stepsister. I believe this was her Spring Concert in 2010. I wish I could have gotten rid of the red eye look before I developed the picture, but I don't think I was given that option. I need to ask Haylee about the concert before I scrap the rest of the pics. She's not here this weekend. I hope you all have a good weekend! TFL!
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Remember When
I made this LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin's Silly Picture LO. The journaling states under the top picture that "Emily & I made sugar cookies with green food coloring for Christmas 2010." Emily was about to wash her hands in the top pic and then in the second pic "Scott is about to roll Emily's sleeves down." I decided not to add a whole lot to the LO since the paper has enough going on already. The sticker to the left of the pics says "Sissy" since both pics are of my sister Emily. I titled it "remember When" since it is a memory we will always share. There's not anything else to say about the LO. Look for another LO later!
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Congratulations Winners
Congratulations to Teresa Godines and 2 suns- winners from my GIU week last week. Please email Kelli Haglund ( ...

Welcome to the Welcome to A Year of Card Techniques Blog Hop where each month we feature a different card technique. We’ve assem...
Welcome to another Growing in Unity Blog Hop! Please be sure to stop by Unity Stamp Company to see Angela's 60% off Birthday Sal...
Welcome to A Year of Card Techniques Blog Hop where each month we’ll feature a different card technique. We’ve assembled a team of fab...