The next 3 LOs are of Tyler's 5th Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese's. The first page is of his balloons and the party table. The paper for both pages 1 & 2 are Imaginisce Under The Big Top (I couldn't find Pizza or Birthday paper at Michaels and the tickets and "Fun and Games" reminded me of Chuck E Cheese's) and Colorbok Textured Paper Primary Colors. The stickers in the bottom left corner of the first page are Marvel Avengers stickers out of a sticker book that I'll most likely give to Tyler. He loves Avengers and his cupcakes (on pages 2 & 3) were decorated with those colors (red/blue) and had Avengers rings in each one. The journaling mat on the first page is Simple Stories Happy Day 6x6 Paper Pad & states that it's "Tyler's 5th Birthday Party at Chuck E Cheese's 11-3-12".
The "Make a Wish" and gifts stickers are Karen Foster Design Blow Out the Candles Cardstock Stickers and the journaling mat is Simple Stories Happy Day and states that "Tyler was having fun playing a video game!"
This paper is My Mind's Eye Jen Wilson's 29th Street Market Classic "Unique" Shining Star Paper, the "more cake" sticker is Karen Foster Design Blow Out the Candles, and both journaling mats are Simple Stories Happy Day. Yes, I love that 6x6 pad, if you couldn't tell! ;) The journaling in the bottom right corner states that "Tyler was opening his gift from me." I bought him an outfit. Everyone else bought him toys, but I was told he was outgrowing his clothes. This is the first birthday party I have been to of his since his first birthday! He only had one guest to come, but they had a blast! My sister, brother-in-law, and I played games as well and gave him all of our tickets. He ended up getting over 400 altogether and were saved to a later date to redeem. It was crowded that Saturday and there were parties going on all day. We were actually asked to get up so they could set-up for the next party! Our parents didn't mind cause we were ready to leave anyway.
I made these LOs about a week ago and have been trying to add them and have been having issues with Blogger. I'm so happy to finally be able to share them!! I'm almost caught up on my scrappin and will have to take some more pics to scrap soon! I didn't really take any pics over the holidays. I didn't feel like taking pics for some reason. Anyway, I hope you all have a great week and are staying warm! TFL! :)