Thursday, December 30, 2010
My Last Entry of 2010
The LO is my Holiday Song LO for Scrappin'-'n'-Chattin' ( I chose the title "O Christmas Tree" because of the obvious, the Christmas tree pics. Both pics are of my Grandmama James' Christmas tree. I'm not sure what year. I made this LO while watching the Military Bowl- ECU Pirates vs Maryland Terps. MD beat ECU badly, so the scrappin' won. I did look up when a MD player was injured and every TD that was made! I don't understand the full concept of football, but watch it occasionally!
We had a blizzard the day after Christmas and the next 2 pics are what I was able to take of it! It was blowing in my face so much that it was hard to see just to walk around the yard to see what I wanted to take a pic of! It was undeniably cold, also! On top of that I have been sick and didn't need to be out in it for very long. We didn't make a snowman it was too cold! We didn't go anywhere Sunday as a matter of fact I was the only one to go outside! It's still lingering on the ground and will most likely melt tomorrow. It's supposed to be 60 Friday and Saturday!
The last picture is of our Christmas tree. It was up for about a week and the cat knocked it over. It was taken down this past Monday! Luckily, when the cat knocked the tree over only one ornament was broken! A lot of the ornaments fell in a cactus garden, too, but none got dirt on them! I put the tree back up after punishing the cat. I put him in time-out in the bathroom with his litter box! I must say that decorating the tree the first time was fun! When I put the tree back up, I had to put it back together. It fell apart, because it's artificial and prelit luckily! I tried to put as many ornaments away from the botton as possible, but it didn't work. The cat loved gnawing on the branches and twisted it when he did so! I'm glad Christmas is over in that aspect! The tree was on a coffee table that the cat sits on to look outside at the birds. He couldn't forget that the tree was over his head and leave it alone! He was still gnawing on it when we took it down! We'll have another year to look forward to the same thing again! LOL!
I have to work the next 2 days and won't have time to scrap, so this is going to be my last entry of the year! I'm only working 4 hours tomorrow afternoon and then 5 1/2 Friday afternoon. I have plans New Year's Eve to celebrate with a friend and am looking forward to it! So long until 2011! :)
Thursday, December 16, 2010
My Take on Scraproom Blog's Sketch of the Week
I did this LO for Scraproom Blog ( The title is "follow in His footsteps". It's in the top right corner under the sun turned diagonally.I chose that since Carson is a preacher! The journaling states that "Carson was the preacher at Clay City Christian Church from 2004-2009 in Clay City, IL." He's in his truck in the top left pic. He's still a preacher, but preaches in West Salem, IL at his home church now! His wife, Cing, was my roommate at Johnson Bible College from 1995-1996. They got married in 1997. I was a bridesmaid in their wedding. I had gone to visit them in 2006 when these pictures were taken. I'm not sure what the big purple bush is, I thought it was pretty, so I took a picture of it! I don't know flowers that well. The sticker in the middle says "God's Word gives light." I was just sitting here thinking and all of my roommates got married after they roomed with me except for one. The ones that did get married got married not long after we were roommates! My first roommate is still single and we still keep in touch. I have kept in touch with all my college roommates except one. I didn't mean to get off on a tangent! LOL! I also decided to use this LO as the Scraplift LO for Scrappin'-n-Chattin'. Here's the first LO I scrapped in 2006.
I like the newest LO better! :) There's too much on the older one! I no longer have the stencil I used on the older LO. My time is flying by. I have to be to work at 2. If you can't read anything on the last LO, just leave me a comment please. TFL!
Saturday, December 4, 2010
24 Hour Challenge LO
I participated in a 24 Hr Challenge with Scrappin'-'n-Chattin' last night. It actually started at 9PM last night and ended at 9PM tonight. I made my LO last night before going to bed. I have included the sketch that was chosen for me to go by along with my LO. The journaling states that "These pics were taken at Johnson Bible College (JBC) Homecoming 2005. We were at Melissa's apartment, Seth's fiance at the time, they're now married. Andrea took the first pic on the far left. She got a hold of my camera! Andrea is in the middle pic. Cing is holding Zachary up and Andrea is surprised to see the camera in the last pic. Andrea is Peter & Amy Cain's oldest. Cing & I were roommates at JBC before she married Carson!" The ribbon is bobbin ribbon and was hard to glue down, but I did it! The paper has 1 Corinthians 13 written on it (but you can't see it) and a few cherubs. I decided to include the pic Andrea took because I thought it was a good pic even though she didn't know what she was doing! I think she was mocking me! LOL! The guys were playing cards at the table along with Melissa and Cing, Amy, and I played with the kids as well as took pics! Andrea and Zachary are a lot older now. Zachary wasn't quite a year in the pic, so he's about 6 now and Andrea is about 7 maybe 8. I also used this LO for a Child LO Challenge in Scrappin'-'n-Chattin'.
We had snow here in eastern NC tonight! We don't see snow this time of year very often so it was a treat to all of us! I tried to take a picture, but waited too late and it has already melted. It was pretty while it lasted! Have a great rest of the weekend! TFL!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
My Thanksgiving
My Dad, Tammy (my stepmom), and Tyler came down from CT to visit with my sister and my dad's side of the family for Thanksgiving. I did this LO Saturday night for Scrapbook Challenges ( as part of their SCNTS- Scrapbook Challenges Next Top Scrapper contest. The requirements was do a LO of ourselves. I wanted to use one of my Thanksgiving pics, so I decided to use this pic. I'm the oldest of me, Emily, and Tyler. I could have used a picture of just myself, but liked this one. I titled the LO Daddy, Emily, Tyler, & I. The journaling in the brown box just tells that they came down to visit for Thanksgiving and that the pic was taken at Emily's house. The white journaling box states that I'm the oldest child. I used 2 sheets of the Basic Grey Oliver Collection on this LO, the title is spelled out with stickers, and Memories is a rub-on sticker. This LO is the first LO I have done where I didn't use a lot of stickers or other embellies all over! I wanted the main background page to be shown! I love the design on it so much! The middle part has "bebe" printed onto the right side, so I decided to cover the entire middle with the striped sheet which isn't quite half a sheet. I love using my XACTO Cutter to cut paper! The LOs will be judged today and if they are good enough we will go onto the next week to participate in another challenge/contest! It's almost like Food Network's Next Top Chef, but we're scrapping instead of cooking and there's more than 12 participants! I forgot to post this LO and just remembered it!
Back to my Thanksgiving week with my family. We went to the beach on Tuesday. The water was a little cold, but tolerable. The first pic is of Scott and Tyler standing along the shore of the ocean and the second pic is of Emily and Scott making a sand castle for Tyler. I did help a little, but they made most of it! Tyler didn't like the sand, so he never sat down in it.He loved the water! He fell a couple times and got his sweatpants wet, but never complained!
We ate at Beaufort on the dock facing Shackelford Banks Island. I don't have a pic of where we picnicked, we just sat on benches and ate sandwiches. I do have a pic of a crab I saw in a shop. I thought the crab was cute as did my stepmom, so I decided to take a pic of it as we walked by! The bottom pic is of a blue sailboat. The little sailboat behind it passed it right after I took the pic!
I have a few other pics of the beach, but they're of the water and 2 surfers. I'll scrap them eventually and show them off on here! I just wanted to show off a few! I also have pics of my family and Tyler playing with his cousins, but they turned out a little dark. I better close this post before it gets any longer. TFL!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Check out Sarah's blog ( for an awesome giveaway!! She has reached 200 posts and is offering some homemade doilies along with Christmas paper, ribbons, and more to a lucky winner! I think it looks awesome!! Please take a look at her blog! Have a great day! :)
Friday, November 26, 2010
Cross Stitch Sampler and Card I Made for Dustin
I made this cross stitch sampler and card for my cousin, Erica and her baby, Dustin. She told me that she didn't have anything with his birthday on his wall yet! How fitting, huh? I love the quote I used on the right hand side of the card inside, "There is only one pretty child in the world, and every mother has it"- a Chinese proverb! Erica loved both the sampler and the card!
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving!! I did! I took lots of pictures of Tyler and other family and can't wait to scrap them! :)
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Who I'm Thankful For
I did this LO for 3 different challenges! I followed My Little Shoebox's blog hop ( today and the requirement for the LO had to be something or someone you are thankful for. The title of my LO is I'M THANKFUL FOR... I used Close To My Heart Storytime Caps for the title and CTMH All You Need- "Brother" and "father" stamps at the bottom of the page. The journaling is on the left hand side on the blue and green paper strip. I wrote that "Tyler is a miracle from God. He just turned 3. He is 16 months in the professional pic. I'm not sure how old he is in the other pic. The pic of Daddy sitting in the couch was taken at Grandmama James' house. The smaller pic of Daddy is either his Sr pic or taken at ACC (Atlanta Christian College)." Tyler is a miracle, because Tammy, my stepmom was told by doctors that she could never have children. The main background is Basic Grey Oliver Collection. I put a little brad in the right hand corner just to fill in the blank space! My computer screen is a little dark so you might be able to see it where I can't. The sketch is from Let's Capture These Sketches ( and the challenge on that site is to use only patterned paper on your LO. I'm also using this LO for a trees challenge with Scrappin'-n'-Chattin ( The smaller pic of my dad is attached to a tree patterned paper. The challenge was to add trees to your LO and not be pictures of trees. What I'm trying to say in this LO is that I'm thankful for my brother and my dad! I can't wait to see them on Sunday and show them this LO! Have a great weekend!!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Sketchabilites Sketch #35
I'm actually using this LO for 2 challenges- Sketchabilities ( with the sketch above and as a Buttons LO for Scrappin-n-Chattin ( As you can see in the sketch, there's supposed to be 3 pictures, but I decided to use 4. The main picture is the one in the top left corner of me, Emily, Dustin, & Haylee (right to left). The other 3 pics are of Dustin, Haylee, and Emily since that picture was taken. None of the pictures are recent, but close enough! I don't have a picture of just myself developed anyway! I have a picture in my camera from my Mary Kay makeover, but it's in my camera. I don't know if you can see the buttons, but there's 4- a yellow one & a green one in the top right corner of the blue floral paper strip, a pink one at the bottom of the pic of Haylee by the corn hole game, and a purple one on the bottom left corner of the main pic. I don't usually put pics this close together in my scrappin, but like how it turned out! I may use this sketch again! I love following sketches!
I hope everyone has a good weekend! I have a busy weekend planned. I'm helping with a Thanksgiving Project at my church tomorrow afternoon. We're going to have a meal for those in town that can't afford to have Thanksgiving. Then, after that I'm going to my sister's to help make a birthday cake for Tyler and Tammy! Their birthdays were earlier this month and they are coming to visit Sunday afternoon and will be in NC until Friday afternoon. Sunday morning, I'm going to church and then going back to my sister's house to wait for our dad, Tammy, and Tyler! We're going to have supper together Sunday night and eat the cake! Half is going to be Toy Story 3 for Tyler (he loves Toy Story) and the other half will have Born to Shop on it for Tammy b/c she loves to shop! I'll take a picture of it and post it on here next week. Next week is going to be busy, too. They want to go to the beach Monday, who knows what we'll do Tuesday, Wednesday I'm going with them to my grandparents' house in Plymouth (dad's parents) and be there until Friday afternoon. So, I'll be spending Thanksgiving with my dad's side of the family! I can't wait! I haven't seen any of them since Mother's Day weekend! Speaking of Thanksgiving, I hope everyone has a safe and Happy Thanksgiving!! :) TFL!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hippity Hoppity Blog Hop
Sassy Lil Sketches, Cuttlebug Spot, Scrap Fit, Crop Suey, and ScrapTiffany are all in a blog hop this weekend. The blog starts at Sassy Lil Sketches ( Sassy Lil Sketches provided the sketch to follow. I kinda changed it up a bit! They're having a Recipe Challenge and each stop on the blog hop has a challenge for your LO! I decided to do a 2-pager because it wouldn't have looked right as just one page without all pics of the statue! I used Basic Grey Oliver Collection paper for this LO. The first page I'm also going to use as a Patriotic Colors Challenge for Scrapbook Challenges (! I did a lot of research on this LO of Zebulon Baird Vance. He was the "most beloved political figure in North Carolina's history." ( The statue is on the South East lawn of the State House in Raleigh, NC. I took these pictures June 10, 2005 after my dad's second wedding to Tammy, my stepmom. I was visiting Emily and Scott that weekend and we did some sight-seeing downtown Raleigh! The journaling on the first page is the Historical Marker Transcription found on I didn't know all this information when I took the pictures! I'm glad I did research on this man for this LO! I learned something new just scrappin'! He was a true Veteran/ political figure! How fitting for Veteran's Day! Happy Hoppin'! :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Do You Love Blog Hops? Check This One Out!
There's a Recipe Challenge blog hop going on with Hippity Hop. It starts with Sassy Lil' Sketches ( Check it out! It's only 5 blogs long and each blog has an element to the recipe challenge! It's going on all weekend, until November 14th, so you have plenty of time to participate! Have a good weekend and have fun scrappin'!
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Color Challenge
The Color Challenge was Turquoise, Orange, & Purple for Scrapbook Challenges ( I also used this LO for a Family Word in Title Challenge for Scrappin'-n-Chattin' ( Now to describe the LO! These are my maternal grandparents. The journaling in the "forever" block has on it: "I'm not sure when the picture of Papa was taken. The picture of Grandmama was taken in 1997 for Woodard's Pond CC Church Directory. Papa died May 2004 and remains forever in our hearts!" The journaling under the tractor tells that "Papa loved to work in his garden with his tractor!" The quote in the right hand bottom corner is "if you begin the day with love in your heart, peace in your nerves, & truth in your mind, you not only benefit by their presence but also bring them to others, to your family and friends, and to all those whose destiny draws across your path that day." (author unknown) Papa was a preacher and I'm sure he prayed every morning before he began his day! The blue block on the right at the bottom tells that "Grandmama loves flowers! Her yard is full of azalea bushes, rose bushes, pansies, and other flowers! She has a small vegetable garden as well!" Above the orange flower is pointing to the heart with baking measurements written on the heart, because "Grandmama also loves to cook and bake. Her pound cake is a fave among the entire family!" I don't have a picture of them together other than ones I have already scrapped! I'm going with my mom to see her tomorrow. We're gonna get some pine straw out of her yard for my mom's flowerbed and spend some time with her. I'll probably vacuum her house while we're there. She can't do much cleaning since her back surgery. We're leaving around 8 in the morning. I've got to try to go to bed soon. She just lives in Little Washington, so we'll be back home in time for supper. Please don't forget about my Christmas cards! I really want to sell them if at all possible! Thank a soldier today or veteran since it is Veteran's Day tomorrow! Today is US Marine Corps' 235th Birthday! Have a great weekend!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Christmas Cards For Sale!
I made these cards a few months ago. I may have posted them on here before. I have decided to sell them. I have written on the back of each card that I made them. That's my signature for my cards! :) I'm not going to put a price on the cards, I'll take whatever you want to offer! I don't have an Ebay account either, so you will have to mail me the money and include money for postage if at all possible! I'm still unemployed and looking for a job. I figured this would be an easy way to get a little money. I could also do some scrapbooking for you if you'd like under the same pretenses. However, it would be better if you live close by, as in the same town or state. Please leave your e-mail address in the comment if you would like to buy any of these cards. I hope the labels on the pictures help! I know I didn't have to include pictures of the insides, but I take pictures of everything when I make it! I look forward to hearing from all my followers! You don't have to know anything about scrapbooking to buy these. Even if you do, that's fine, too! It's getting late and I'm rambling! Have a great Tuesday!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
2 New 8.5x11 LOs
The top LO is for Scrapbook Challenges ( Lucky Duck Challenge. You're supposed to close your eyes and pick some of your stash like the rubber ducky game where you get what you pick from the ducks. The sketch is from Sketchy Thursdays blog ( I don't know if I've ever used the sketch, but did today with one picture on an 8.5x11 sheet. The first LO is of my Grandmama Rhodes in the late 1970s when she was on Weight Watchers. I titled it "So Sweet", because she is, she loves all her children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren! The journaling says, "Grandmama has tried losing weight however she can. This picture was taken in the 70s maybe early 80s." She's my grandmama who was in the hospital for about a year and a half after her colonoscopy. I hope to see her Thanksgiving Day. The bottom LO is of Dustin, my stepbrother, when he first started shaving. I titled it "Goofy", because this is funny, all the "silly" stickers are pink and my stepbrother hates pink! "Goofy" fits! LOL The journaling says, "Dustin got a little carried away with the shaving cream! He was acting silly! Mr Ray is looking at him sitting in the rocking chair." TFL!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Check out Suzy's blog for some Trick-or-Treat Blog Candy!
Suzy is giving away an awesome scrapbook prize on her blog:! Please check it out and let her know I sent you! Have a great Halloween!! :)
Friday, October 29, 2010
Scrapbook Challenges 1st Birthday Bash
Scrapbook Challenges ( is celebrating its 1st Birthday this weekend with a blog hop. Please participate with me! There's giveaways involved. Start the blog hop at Pamela's blog ( Then to view other member's blogs from the group, like mine, visit the Hop On board ( Here is the sketch & my LO:
The journaling says; "As you can tell, purple is my favorite color! This was actually June 26, 2006, a day before my birthday. I called it my 'Un-Birthday'! The gifts I received shown in this pic are: a lighthouse night light w/ bulbs, a card set, and I don't remember what was in the bag!" I had to work on my birthday, but was given the day before off. I love collecting lighthouses other than scrapbooking! TFL and please join in on the fun! Have a safe Halloween weekend! :)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
My Take on Sketch 223 for Scrapbook Challenges
I received my goodies for Skipping Stones Design ( and used the "Hanging with my peeps" stamp on this LO! These pictures were taken before we were about to go somewhere- a park or somewhere out of town cuz Emily has a Guess Who game beside her on the couch. Krippy, the cat, is now dead, she died a year ago. She hissed at us a lot whenever my stepdad would tease her with a big stuffed dog. Even though it wasn't real, it was to her, she about tore the dog up!! We ended up throwing the dog away cuz she picked it until the foam peanuts came out! Here's a pic of what I got from Skipping Stones:
I can't wait to use them! I'll use most of them on cards and maybe a few LOs. The purse came with 5 inserts/plastic pockets and then I have 5 refills and 5 inserts for an 8.5x11 purse that I'll have to buy. They had to include a teaser to buy another purse you know! TFL! :)
Monday, October 25, 2010
Scrapbook LOs & What's Been Going On With Me
October Sketch Challenge for Scrappin-n-Chattin w/ sketch.
The LOs can basically explain themselves. I don't know how much room I have left in this post! If you wanna know more, please comment. My computer has been down since last Tuesday night and I've been doing a lot of scrappin'. I just started a diet this past Monday. Well it's not really a diet, it's more like cutting back on what I eat and cutting out a lot of things- mostly chocolate and caffeine. I've been drinking water with everything I eat and walking some everyday. My neighborhood is a big circle, so I started with one lap and increased a lap each day since Wednesday. It's hard eating less, but I'll get used to it! I've lost 3 lbs already, so that gives me motivation to keep going! I'm losing weight with a friend of mine, who's also a friend of my dad's, long story, lol. Her daughter is our coach, kinda like Jillian on Biggest Loser but not as harsh! I'm still job hunting. I need to call Target and Harris Teeter later today. I applied at Target last Thursday and then Harris Teeter again this past Tuesday. I've almost got the cross-stitch sampler done, I need to get back to that this week, too! I hope I didn't bore anyone! Sorry for the mass post!
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Congratulations Winners
Congratulations to Teresa Godines and 2 suns- winners from my GIU week last week. Please email Kelli Haglund ( ...

Welcome to the Welcome to A Year of Card Techniques Blog Hop where each month we feature a different card technique. We’ve assem...
Welcome to another Growing in Unity Blog Hop! Please be sure to stop by Unity Stamp Company to see Angela's 60% off Birthday Sal...
Welcome to A Year of Card Techniques Blog Hop where each month we’ll feature a different card technique. We’ve assembled a team of fab...